Thursday 19 January 2012

And so it begins...


It seems that nowadays we cannot go a minute without getting the urge to somehow connect to our online, virtual-worlds. Whether it's to let everyone know on facebook that you are "currently making a piece of toast", or to visit the wonderful fountain of all knowledge that is wikipedia, to find out what the hell 'discombobulated' means!

It is for this reason that I decided to follow in my father's foot-steps and create a blog, (something else to do when sitting on the throne perhaps).

Something occurred to me recently, at the ripe old age of 26 I seem to be rather forgetful! I'm sure that it is nothing to do with the fact that I spend a lot of time on the computer, so I will...erm...what was I saying?! 

Anyway, I figured what better way to store my memories than to create an e-brain or ibrain, keeping my real brain free for more important things, such as "...trying to take-over the world!" Mwaaaah ha haaaa! (evil laugh).

Due to the fact that this is my first post, I will say adios for now.

I will leave you with one thing though, this past Christmas I decided to purchase the complete James Bond collection. I'm still trying to figure out why, but what I can tell you though is: I have got about half-way through the film collection and can see that his insatiable desire for "making bacon" seems to be the forefront of every film, with a little bit of "saving the world from a crazed, Eastern-European, slightly-deformed mad-man" who due to how impressive their lairs are, doesn't seem to really need the money they are demanding in the first place!    

No wonder MGM went bankrupt!

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff son - I'm glad you've joined blogosphere. It is sooooo therapeutic.
